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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Maha Mandi @ NITIE

Maha Mandi @ NITIE.. 

 Mandi and or Maha Mandi are the innovative and indigenous pedagogues that are  developed at NITIE for Entrepreneurial Learning. Maha Mandi is conducted by NITIE students every year.  Mandi started with IM 10 batch..

Visit the below given blog for more on Mandi :

In Shanti Eva Jayate ( SEJ) program MBA students campaigned Gandhi autobiography copies in Mumbai. 


POM Course Assignment II: Organisaitons and the WORLD - Assignment II

Assignment II:


POM Assignment:  

Pick up  YOU TUBE  videos related to WORK processes  in organisations..  Purpose is to understand as many management concepts as possible out of the you tube video.. Some questions are given to guide you on what you are supposed to learn out of this assignment. 

Write a BLOG on your understanding of the same. 

What is the WORK in an Organisaitons?
How to design the WORK in Orgranisations?
How to understand the WORK in an Organisations ?
Understand and Interpret  much of  MANAGEMENT JARGON  so as to understand the Organizations?
 You are expected to quote, make specific mention of the youtube video portions while writing your blog.  

Some of the Management Concepts are: 

WORK, JOB, POSITION, ACTIVITIES, TASKS, ELEMENTS, AUTHORITY, WORK METHODS, EFFICIENCY, EFFECTIVENESS, EXCELLENCE, MECHANISATION, AUTOMATION, CRAFTMANSHIP. Try to pick up the concepts from  chapter end learning concepts from the text  book - Stoner - Management.


Modern Organisations:

Conventional Organizations: