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Monday, August 5, 2013

POM - Questions for you to think

POM - Questions for you to think .. 
Experiential Exercises
  • Magnet
  •  Tower Building
  • Three Monks story
  • Three Idiots crossing the Valley
  • Grameen Bank 

  • Navrang Puzzle

 1. Explain the concept of 'Excellence'  with the example of  Mohd Younus ..Grameen Bank 

2. Explain the concept of Organizational Structure and Unity of Purpose using Navrang  puzzle

3.  What are lessons a  Manager like you infer  about Modern Organizations from a  " Magnet "

4. Discuss the concept of efficiency and  effectiveness through 3 Monks story

5. Discuss the concept of  S M A R T goals through Tower Building 

6. Explain Theory X and Theory Y behaviours of you as working as a manager in Tower building exercise

7. Compare and comment on the jobs -  One monk carrying water Vs. Three monks working together to get so much water ..

8. Concept of Higher Teamwork flouts the rule of Unity of Command.. Why and How ? Discuss with appropriate examples ..

9.  Innovation is beyond IMPROVEMENT.. Explain the concept with the examples

10. What is the scope for  Taylor's  -  Scientific Management in Navrang Puzzle solution.