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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

POM Question papers of dr mandi

NITIE,  Mumbai – 87
PGDIM – 18     HR 06: Principles of Organization and Management
Module – I Ending Examination ;  Time: 3 Hours Dt. 14.09.2011 Time:  0200 P.M to  0500 P.M
Max. Marks: 60.       Duration of Exam: 3 Hours
  1. Attempt any  SIX  out of SEVEN Questions given below.  All questions carry equal marks. Attempt questions in the serial order only.  No provision is being made to clarify any kind of ‘DOUBTS’ regarding this question paper in your hand. If you have doubts if any, make necessary assumptions and proceed.  Write legibly. Nonsense answers, if any, attract penalty in the form of negative marking.  You need to sell your answers to the evaluator to score well in this exam. It is up to you how you do this task.    ALL THE BEST
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Q. No. 1: 
a)      Discuss the  differences  if any in the contributions made by  the management thinkers viz., F W Taylor, Max Weber, and Henry Fayol  to the discipline of  Management.  Discuss  the application of the theory proposed by these management thinkers in   managing ‘ Valley Crossing’ exercise you have participated  in POM Class .
b)      What is Theory X and Theory  Y Management?  Explain   how  you make use of the knowledge the Theory X  and Theory Y    in managing the Valley Crossing exercise ?
Q. No. 2: 
a)      What is ‘Hawthorne Effect’?  Mention THREE ways how you as a manager use Hawthorne Effect in managing the Valley Crossing exercise?
b)      What is Herzberg theory of Motivation?  Explain Herzberg  theory of motivation for its relevance  for  Valley Crossing exercise ?
Q. No. 3 : 
a)      Explain the concepts   1. Divison of Labour  2. Departmentation  3. Hierarchy 4. Coordination
b)      How  above  mentioned FOUR  concepts  are relevant  in management of   ‘Tower Building’  exercise conducted in POM class room .  

Q. No. 4 :  
a)      Explain the concepts Vision, Mission, Excellence, Effectiveness and  Efficiency  by giving references out of   Tower Building  exercise  you participated in POM Class..
b)      Is the management style  to achieve performance  will  it undergo  change as the height of the Tower grows  ( Base level;  Middle level;  Reaching the Peaks )  and zooms into sky? Illustrate your answer with appropriate examples taken from Tower building exercise.
Q. No. 5 :  
a)      Modern Technologies are believed to enhance  the function of management.  Discuss how Google knols as a technology enhances the effective management for commercial enterprises?

b)      Discuss on how the very type of management undergoes a change as the height of the Tower  grows  ( Base level;  Middle level;  Reaching the Peaks )  and zooms in to sky? Illustrate your answer with sufficient examples.
Q. No. 6 :  
a)      Explain the concepts  -  Bounded rationality, satisfying, and heuristics ?

b)      How above concepts enter your own decision making process when you are actively working in your Maha Mandi field experience ?
Q. No. 7 :  
a)      What is matrix structure? Under what conditions would a matrix structure be most suitable? What are its advantages and disadvantages? 
b)      What is the functional structure? How is it different from a product / market structure? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

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Q. No. 5

  1. Explain the concept of Motivation by reinterpreting  the Newton’s three principles of motion? 

  1. Discuss  Herzberg’s  two factor theory of motivation ?  How  do you use Herzberg’s  theory for managing  human resources in an enterprise ?

Q. No. 6. 

A. What is functional structure ? How is it different from  product / market structure ? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each ?

B. What is differentiation, and why does it make coordination more difficult ?

Q. No. 7    Efficiency and Effectiveness..Define them and differentiate them.  List  specific indicators  for  efficiency and effectiveness with reference to  Google Knols which you have written . Also outline the complementarities,  if any in both of the concepts. 

Q. No. 8  Write short notes on  the following

  1. Unity of Direction

  1. Bureaucracy 

  1. Conceptual skills

  1. Power and Authority

  1. Decentralizaion 
  3.  -------------------------

  1. NITIE, Mumbai – 87.                                                 ELECTIVE  PAPER

    Principles of Organization and Management    

    Module – V Ending Examination,     Max. Marks: 60,  Time: 3 Hours

    1. Attempt any  FIVE  Questions given below.
    2. In case you have any doubts  regarding this question paper, make necessary assumptions and proceed.  Write legibly. ALL THE BEST
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    Q. No. 1 :  What is Scientific Management ?  What is and where is the role of Management discipline across Industrial Engineering ?

    Q. No. 2:  Explain Theory X  set of assumptions which  managers make about their subordinates. List  and discuss the implications of using Theory X Management style on  two types of employees – Hard working and Not hard working type.

    Q. No. 3  : Identify THREE important differences of Matrix structure compared to hierarchical organization? Suggest measures to overcome the limitations of the Matrix form of organization?

    Q. No. 4 :   How adoption of new generation technologies ( Ex..  IT systems, Internet )  by organizations impact the  management of originations ?   Illustrate your answer with suitable examples.  

    Q. No. 5 : Differentiate the concepts  Charismatic Vs. Inspirational Leadership ?  Explain the impact of both the leadership approaches with suitable corporate cases.

    Q. No. 6 : Strong organizational  culture  – Explain the concept with the help of suitable corporate case. What are the implications of changing strong organizational culture?

    Q. No. 7  Write short notes on  the following

    1. Problem - Opportunity

    1. Excellence

    1. Conceptual skills

    1. Job enrichment

    1. Synergy
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    NITIE, Mumbai – 87.
    Principles of Organization and Management  PGDIM, PGDISEM  - I
    Module Ending Examination – Dt. 19 .09. 2008    Max. Marks: 60,  Time: 3 Hours

    1. Attempt any  SIX  out of Nine Questions given below. All questions carry equal marks. You must attempt questions in the serial order only.
    2. No provision is being made to clarify any kind of ‘DOUBTS’ regarding this question paper in your hand. Make necessary assumptions and proceed.  Write legibly. Nonsense answers, if any, attract penalty in the form of negative marking.  You need to sell your answers to the evaluator to score well in this exam. It is up to you how you do this task.    ALL THE BEST
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    Q. No. 1. Draw self explanatory diagrams / figures for the following. Avoid explaining the diagram.

    1.1   Unity of Direction
    1.2   Herzberg’s comaparion of Job satisfaction and Job dissatisfaction factors.
    1.3   Tannenbaum and Schmidt theory of Continuum of leadership behavior

    Q. No. 2. Answer the following.  2.1  How pertinent  today is  Taylor’s assumption that management and labour had a common cause? Why?  2.2 Which of Fayol’s principles of management do you observe in use in organizations today?

    Q. No. 3.  Identify THREE important differences of Matrix structure compared to hierarchical organization? Suggest measures to overcome the limitations of the Matrix form of organization?

    Q. No. 4.  What is Seven S Model? Discuss the same with reference to Mandi project @ NITIE?  

    Q. No. 5.  Explain the concept of Motivation  by appropriately utilizing Newton’s three laws of motion. Apply and illustrate your own motivation for  Hamara Dhandha program @ NITIE in terms of these three motivation principles.

    Q. No.  6.  Refer to Group decision making process.. Give your plan on how to achieve Effective Group Decision Making Process by illustrating the relationship between the three factors viz., Individual’s  Decision in group,  Group as a whole Decision and Expert decision on the issue.

    Q. No. 7.  Identify FIVE important things as an entrepreneur you have to take care with respect to the subject of Organizational Design.  Discuss the same with reference to your own enterprise which you floated as part of  Hamara Dhandha program @ NITIE.

    Q. No. 8. Refer to the film - Three monks Film. Identify and discuss the importance of FIVE  system related measures that were evolved to have shown in the film contributing Monastries Performance Excellence.  You need to give specific illustrations from the three monks film.

    Q. No. 9   Explain the Fielder and Chemers theory of ‘ Effective leadership varies with the situation ‘ ?  Draw a diagram for the same