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Monday, June 18, 2012

Management is Decision Making


Some Concepts - Problem , Opportunity, Problem solving, decision making,  etc

What is the difference between Problem solving and Decision making in Management 

Creative problem solving - Mediocre problem solving

Creative Problems - Creative Solutions - Creative People : Which is right ?

Certainty - Risk  - Uncertainty -

Past vs. Future

Risk Vs. Return tradeoff

Process of Decision making

Types  of Decision making:
- Individual Decision making Vs. Group Decision making
- Mathematical Vs. Heuristic : ( Rational decision making )
- Participative Decision Making - Unilateral decision making

What is Bounded Rationality ( BR )  ? 

Give examples of decisions so far  you made in your life  and interpret Bounded Rationality ( BR) for decision making in your life  ? 

What is the difficulty with Unbounded Rationality  ? Give examples 

What are the Challenges / opportunities due to BR concept

Why BR ? Why not Un Buonded Rationality ? 

What is good about Bounded Rationality ? 

How economically beneficial for organizations to practice BR ? 

What are the  challenges for organizations in developing the managers with enough of BR ?

Decision Making Vs. Decision Execution

Japanese method of Decision Making - Ringi system of decision making

Effectiveness and Decision making - ( 7 Ws ) When, Where, Who, Why, How,  Which,

Goal setting and Management


NOTE: Try to see this You tube video to get confused about the concept of GOALS.

Let me make an attempt in this blog  to clarify..  why and how people'S  understanding goes  WRONG in case of Goal setting, performance .. 
Purpose of this  blog  is not to push or suggest to set any goals. Purpose is to make clear what is the meaning of Goals and how to set them,,,, and  how they affect the performance.

Objective of this blog  is.. 

How goals affect -  performance ?
What is meant by Goal setting  ?
How many types of  goals of are there ?
What are the misunderstandings related to Goal setting ?

How goal setting is different from Goal achievement.. What is the relationship if at all between these two concepts.. ?

Try to recall what is meant by S M A R T goals .. concept

POINT - 1: 

There are NO ' Realistic ' or 'Unrealistic ' goals.

There are NO ' Difficult ' or 'Easy ' goals.

 There are NO ' Achievable  ' or 'Unachievable ' goals. This categorization of goals is W R O N G... It is only misunderstanding to say so... My advice is try to AVOID using these concepts when you talk on SMART goals.. OK..

BUT..  POINT - 2:

There are ' High ' ( getting 99 out of 100 marks - market leader  ) ,  ' Average '  ( getting 60 out of 100 marks  - Market follower ), Low' ( 30 out of 100 Marks )    goals. The concept of Low / Medium / Average is more clearer  concept than realisitic / difficult / achievable concept of goals .

There is no / cannot be any confusion about the  concept of  Low - Average - High goals. Because these are fact  based concepts ( marks are numbers ) . No body can dispute what is High/ medium/ low goals. There is clear definition for High / Medium / Low goals. Even small child and a worker can tell which is high / medium/low goal..


What is realistic to  somebody  turns out to be unrealistic, difficult, and non achievable for somebody else . It is NOT fact.. but it is a feeling..

 Caution: Dont use the concepts / Jargaon .. Realistic /  Difficult goals while you talk to others. Always avoid to use them.. OK.

Caution: Always use the terms - High, Average,  and Low goals

Two things ONE must keep in mind while .. Setting Goals ! !

Principle I -  First and foremost principle:  Set High Goals../ Dont set low and average goals.. 

This is the wisdom one need to imbibe. Goals that are set  should never be LOW. How high the goals one set  is left to oneself..But they must be high and high only . 

Principle - TWO :  Aftter setting  HIGH goals.... Then one should start thinking on how to make the goals to ACHIEVABLE   - REALISTIC, EASY,  and POSSIBLE.

Please note that these two process  are in a particular sequence.. First comes Goal setting and then followed by goal realisation. These processes should not be REVERSED...

Try to avoid to start thinking of - whether the  goals that are going to set are realistic or not ..

Invariably set the goals first.. and then ( later on.. due course )  start thinking of how to achieve it.he goals . . 

  • These  TWO things are TWO separate things ( 1)  Setting goals and ( 2) Making them realistic..

  • Both are intensely related. but their relationship is sequential..

Read this statement -  Set ' Realistic Goals'. Set acheivable goals

Note that these  statements are  100 % WRONG...  Shun these  statements. Dont use this concepts for your good..  It is because there are NO Realistic Goals for some body to set..There are only  Low - Avearge - High goals..

Say .......

SET always....  High Goals.. and Start making such goals Achievable and Realistic.. OK.

POINT - 2: 
Ones  goal setting is over..... then it start thinking of how to make the goals set achievable , and realistic 

POINT - 3: 
Performance Excellence  = Setting HIGH goals  x Working towards making the goal achievable.

Performance is product of these TWO things.. if any one thing goes wrong total performance also goes wrong. 


  • SMART Goals must  INSPIRE

  • SMART Goal achievement must  lead to  MATERIAL BENEFIT.. Goal achievement is ... Not Vale erosion but Economic value creation ..

  • SMART Goals enhance the  P O T E N T I A L...
Relationship of certain  concepts related to Goal Setting and Achievement

A. Current ( Historical )  performance
B. Goal Set
C.Goal  Achieved
D. Potential

Appropriate Relationships of the above components is : 

E Realistic Goal  Setting ( B > A >  C  )

F. Realistic  Goal  Achievement  ( C < B >  A )

G. Excellent in Management is  .. E and F......both the conditions are V A L I D..

* Purpose of Management discipline is.......REALISING the ULTIMATE POTENTIAL !

  S M A R T  Goal Setting and Management


Letter       Major Term   and    Minor Terms

S Specific Significant, Stretching, Simple
M Measurable Meaningful, Motivational, Manageable
A Attainable Appropriate, Achievable, Agreed, Assignable, Actionable, Ambitious, Aligned, Aspirational, Acceptable, Action-focused
R Realistic Results-oriented, Relevant, Resourced, Resonant
T Timely Time-oriented, Time framed, Timed, Time-based, Timeboxed, Time-bound, Time-Specific, Timetabled, Time limited, Trackable, Tangible
E Evaluate Ethical, Excitable, Enjoyable, Engaging, Ecological
R Reevaluate Rewarded, Reassess, Revisit, Recordable, Rewarding, Reaching


How to set Effective Goals ?

What and when is a goal is called ' Ambitious '  ?
- Goal set > Attainable Goal
- Goal is set.. with a view to realize the  Potential

What and when is a goal is called ' Realistic '  ?

- There are not 'Realistic Goals' as such. All and for that any goals are made into REALISTIC  by the managers. Managers do this by systematic Planning, Communicating, Motivating, Supporting etc.

Why you need to  work on  NOT Realistic and NOT Achievable goals ?

How do you make  NOT Realistic goals into Realistic goals ?

 How do you make  NOT Achievable goals into  Achievable goals ?


Achievable - Not



Realistic - Not 

1. FIRST Priority 

2. SECOND  Priority 
  •  Communicate and Communicate 
  • Develop Self Confidence , Self worth, and Self reliance  

 2. SECOND  Priority
 Develop and demonstrate  how things can be done ? 
  • Show role models 
  • Become role model
4. Last Priority 

D  O  N  E   !   !

Some real numbers from the exercise - Tower Building - 

I. Data of Tower building conducted for Sec B IM 19 

Three students tower height set was = 20, 17, 15 cues

Historical performance of Tower height was =  17 cubes

Team goal set for tower height was = 17

Team Tower Performance was  = 17 cubes

Students Tower Height they set was: 

< 15 cubes =       45 Percent 

15 to 20 Cubes = 45 Percent 

> 20 Cubes was = 5 Percent

Taking the above numbers... whether the Goal setting done by the students and the team was on the lines of 
S    M    A    R   T     E     R 

as mentioned in goal setting principles . Discuss the same. 

II. Data of Tower building conducted for Sec A IM 19 

 Students are asked to build a tower with open eyes. Only one student will build a tower. He used his ODD hand in building the tower. He / she is not blind folded and he is open eyes. 

Students tower height ranged =  10 to 35 cubes

Real Tower was constructed by one student :

One student who set a target of 10 Cubes ... was invited to build the tower. He built the tower of 17 cubes... The whole class was happy for the performance of the student. 

THEN, Faculty introduced new set of rules for Tower building . 

- Tower will be built by the blind folded student ( Not open eyed). There will be two more students  who will help the one blind folded in building the tower. 

Faculty asked the students second time for the number of cubes the tower that will be built by the blind folded student group. 

This time most of the student lowed the number of cubes that will be built by the blind folded student team. Simple reason is that 

blind folded person cannot built the tower same height that of the open eyed person.   POINT NOTED.

The pattern of change in the students stand for the height of the tower is like as following:

- 95 percent of students lowered their height of the tower from the guess that they have earlier given ( Back folders ) . 
- Around 5 percent students retained the same height of the tower which they earlier set for ( Maintainers ) . 
- Surprisingly only one student out of 67 students enhanced the height of the tower ( Progressive minds ) .

NOTE: With the help of the two sections data... students need to make their learning related to the topic.  

Goal setting exercise in the class room

In class room you will be engaged in a game where you will work out the Goal Setting process. Read the contents of this blog and prepare related concepts so that you do well in the class room session.

What is Pygmalion phenomena ?

Pygmalion meaning - ' Things happen when they are expected ' . ( Search  on INTER NET  for more on this..)

Please note that :Above statement is made in relation to PEOPLE. It is not said in relation to physical things..  If one goes to a abandon CAR.. and expects that it will work ... IT WONT WORK.


Placebo Effect: In medical circles equivalent of Pygmalion is  ' Placebo Effect'.

Great managers are MASTERS of PYGMALION. They use Pygmalion while dealing with the people all around them..

  • Have you ever used Pygmalion in dealing with other people you ? 

  • Were you target of Pygmalion any time? 

  • Have you seen any time anybody using the Pygmalion? 
  • What are your positive expectations you hold in your life ? 
  • What are the negative expectations you hold in your life ?

  • How to execute the goals that are set ?

    Task Focus and People focus

    Whether the Nature of Management changes as the performance levels of organizations reach certain levels?

    - Low level performance - Higher and highest level performance