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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

POM 2013 Final Exam Paper

Principles of Organization and Management

PGDIM 20  Sec A and B   I Module Ending Examination.    Max. Marks: 60,  Time: 3 Hours


  1. Attempt any  SIX  ( including the Q. No 1 WHICH  is COMPULSORY )  out of Nine Questions given below. All questions carry equal marks. Try to  attempt questions in the serial order only.
  2. No provision is being made to clarify any kind of ‘DOUBTS’ regarding this question paper in your hands. In case you have any doubt regarding the paper, make necessary assumptions and proceed.
  3. Irrelevant and not focused answers, written  if any, attract penalty in the form of negative marking.  Being  a prospective manager you  need to sell your answers to the evaluator to score well in this exam. It is up to you,  how WELL you do this task…    Write legibly..                                               .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .

Q. No. 1. Decide if the following statements are True  /  False.  Explain  – Why and How ? 
1.1   It is accepted rule that an employee must report  to ONE superior / boss only
1.2   Intrinsic rewards than Extrinsic rewards are effective
1.3   Effective organizations are not Bureaucratic  in their working
1.4   Attainable goals are challenging ones
1.5   All in all, Theory X rather than Theory Y is preferred.

Q. No. 2. Explain the  Job  Design and Job Redesign  model. Discuss the Job Design and Redesign concepts using  two work methods  -  “ One person carrying one bucket of water  with  that of One person carrying two buckets of water with the help of balance  “ .  Bring out clearly the contribution of  management discipline  for excellence in the above working.   

Q. No. 3.  Innovation is altogether different from  Improvement – Why and How ?   Discuss the same with an example of  Digital CVs for B School graduates ? Offer one innovative solution (..  not improvement please  ! )  which you as a manager imagine to implement here and now.

Q. No. 4.  Discuss the concepts  ( 1 ) Division of Labour  ( 2 ) Differentiation and  Integration in relations to design of  organizations.  Discuss the application of these concepts in case of chosen corporate entity  that you worked or studied.

 Q. No. 5.  Differentiate two work methods - Craftsmanship and Assembly line.  What are the specific problems of modern organization and management?  As POM student come out with specific remedial measures YOU as a manager adopt to overcome the problems of modern management.

Q. No.  6.  ( Answer this question using the experience of Tower Building exercise )  Discuss and apply  group decision making process in case of Tower building experience  ?  Discuss the INEFFECTIVE Decision Indices ( Min. and Max. of   I – E, I – G, G – E ) that are relevant in case of group decision making ?

Q. No. 7.  What is the differential function of Organizational Culture and Organizational Structure ?  As POM student prescribe the Effective Organizational Culture you wish in case of  3 People Crossing the Valley .

Q. No. 8. Differentiate ‘Knowledge worker productivity Vs. Manual Worker productivity’ as discussed by Peter F Drucker.  Discuss how you  as a knowledge worker optimize   your productivity using the P F Drucker’s solutions that are offered.

Q. No. 9   Discuss the model of Larry E Greiner’s “ Revolution as Organizations Grow” .  Discuss the implications  and challenges suggested in the  model with reference to the launch - growth of your own enterprise .   

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