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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Theory X and Theory Y

Theory X and Y - How to understand ..?

1. Theory X and Y is all about M A N A G E R S.. it is not about the W O R K E R S.. 

2. There are TWO types of managers.. X and Y..

3. Theory X managers are all those

X - 1.. Who think that their workers are LAZY when they are  really LAZY 

X  - 2..Who think that their workers are LAZY when they are NOT really  LAZY

Theory Y  managers are all those

Y - 1.. Who think that their workers are NOT LAZY when they are  really LAZY 

Y  - 2..Who think that their workers are NOT LAZY when they are NOT really LAZY

 Guess..... the distribution of mangers across 1 ,2,3,4 types of managers..

Type of  managers........... Percentage of managers

X1..                             ?   ?

X2,..                            ?    ?

Y1...                            ?   ?

Y2...                            ?   ? 

 Who will be most of.. .. ?

Who will be least of...    ? 

4. Example of Theory X  managers .. ( Taken from Tower Building experience )

They think that when blind folded,  their workers will not be able to build a tall tower..

Theory X managers are rational, they go by facts and figures..