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Monday, August 19, 2013

POM Quiz Test Results

I. Match the following..

Choose and write the  OPTION NUMBER most appropriate   given  THE other side against the item given below.
                                   Options  1 to 11
Matrix  method of management involves 
1.       Administered  by self

Scientific Management proposes 
2.       Using Why, What, When

Informal Organizations

3.       Cooperation between employers and employees

Bounded rationality 
4.       Transfer of authority to people
Job Rotation

5.       Design and redesign of jobs

Job Enrichment

6.       Denotes about the manager
Intrinsic Rewards

7.       Delegation principle
Theory   Y

8.       Flouting the rule unity of command  - Employees reporting to one superior
Modern large organizations are  the result of
9.       Groups that seeks to satisfy their self interests  
Decentralization  in modern organizations
10.   Imperfect and  limited information

11.   Allocation of job among the persons

II.True / False Questions with answers.

______False ___ Theory  X  reveals workers laziness dis – taste for work 

 Either Theory X or Theory Y reveal about the M A N A G E R. These are the assumptions with which MANAGERS try to manage their workers and their worker settings. Students in general forget that Theory talks and tells and reveals about the manager.. NOT the worker. 

To make the students to relaise this mistake more clearly the quiz question is given. 

_____False ____ A military organization is an example  for close d system of  organization

No organisaiton is closed.. It is impossible to have closed system of organization. Especially human organisaitons cannot be closed ones. Even dead bodies which are closed are also O P E N.. in some ways !

_____ False ____ Practicing delegation principle   results in employee empowerment. 

Delegation leads to creation of an organisaiton. delegation does not mean Empowerment. The word empowerment in modern democracies has profound meaning. Most of the organizations, so called democratic are not truly empowered.  It is decentralisation which leads to empowerment. Delegation only gives and help to pass on the work not the authority.. which is the essence of the decentralization and empowerment. 

______ False __ Division of labour principle leads to workers getting greater control  over workplace

Division of labour does not give the wokers power over the work. On the other hand, DOL leads to loosing of the power in favour of management. More the management knows about the work,,, less the worker has power the work. The more the management knows the work it is possible to control much more of the worker.  In most modern organisatioins where DOL is very high,  workers loose their control.

____ False ___ Modern organizations like Google is best example for  NO Bureaucracy. 

No organisaiton .. how best and how modern it is.. it cannot be without BUREAUCRACY. In reality, most modern organisationis are much more bureaucratic. Google also have rules.. Organizations without RULES is impossible to envision. While RULES are there how to infuse CREATIVITY is the challenge for the managers. The question is NOT to do away with RULES.. but to promote creativity despite having the RULES.

____ False _ As per  ideal goal setting process , Actual performance achieved  must  surpass the  Goal Set 

Does not need answer... ! ! It is clear and easy answer. 

_____True ___ Principle of Equifinality  guides the  managers to  achieve the same set of objectives with several alternate methods of working

Equifinality refers to multiple and alternate roots to reach to the same objective. It is similar to GOD and moksha. there are millions of GODS and methods to reach to MOKSHA.. Managers need to imagine a variety of methods which are efficient and effective in reaching to Value Creation. . 

____ False ____ Homeostasis organizations   meaning –‘ True and Perfect  Equilibrium’ organizations .. 

Never PERFECT equilibrium exists in the world. The earth on which are residing is not in HOMEOSTASIS. Overall it has balance. Meaning it wont fall.. In modern organisaitons there is no need for PERFECT results.. Imperfect / satisfying results and decisions  are also OK.

____True ____ SMART goals principle advocates setting unrealistic goals

Yes.. SMART goals advocates UNREALISTIC goals. There are NO  UNREALISTIC goals. It is matter of perception. Goals that are perceived as unrealistic one time became REALISTIC now.  Truth is that there are people who assume that certain goals are UNREALISTIC. It is again  perception. 

SMART Goals try to argue that all goals can be enabled to become REALISTIC. It is the managers ( like my students ! ) who operationalise these goals as REALISTIC. For example: even simplest goal like " walking " was a challenge for all of us when we were toddlers and were taking our first steps. 

But our mothers as our SMART managers try to make such goals REALISTIC by encouraging and training us how to walk. Today walking may be easy but it was unrealistic when we first time took the step.Try to recognize that our mothers if they set REALISTIC goals we could not have not learn to walk. Our mothers were real followed SMART goals and set us so called UNREALISTIC goals. They also operationalised how to make such UNREALISTIC ones as REALISTIC with proper plans of walking. 

 Is reaching to  MOON was  UNREALISTIC.. Is reaching to VENUS a unrealistic goal.. ! If we imagine SMART goals reaching to VENUS is matter of T I M E..

_____________Simple problems needs less resources and effort to solve compared to complex problems 

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Some quiz questions developed based on what students write in their answer sheets. 

1. What is the bureacracy you apply in your personal life ? 

2. Examples of Differentiation / Variety in any tupical organisations are

- Del La Carte in a hotel 
- No of products, services offered
- No and type of jobs
- Diversity of culture of people
- No of departments
No of geographical spread and 
- Types of markets that are caterred
3. Differentiaon - Integration are  iterative in case of an organisation - Why ? 
3. Culture where structure CANNOT do. 
4. DOW is due to the reason that all employees may not perform all the tasks.
5. DOW work is divided in to parts as per the skill requirements
6. DOW leads to job specialisation
7. DOL is made as per the employee skills, and people are grouped in to dividioins. 
8. DOL is all about grouping employees in to departments and groups 
9. DOL is dividing the work in to smallest components so that a woker with No / Least skills can do the the work effectively . 
10. Higher the need for integration higher the differentiation.. higher the DOL.
11.DOL destroys the worker monopoly of skills and competencies
12. DOL refers to grouping the workers with similar skills to be formed in to deaprtments
13. Example of DOL is hotel  waiter, server, 
14. Burecracy refers to power in the hands of few.
14. Hiring specialized workers is division of labor
14. Bureacracy is a structure where power centers accumulates in one layer to control the organization. 

14. Gone are the days where organizations were run bureaucratically.
15. Segregation of organisation into finance, marketing, HR, Quality departments
16. DOL is assiginging the tasks / roles  according to the skills of employees
17.  DOL leads to allocation of work among the workers equally
18. Job designing is process of dividing work among the workers according to their capabiltiies
19. DOL has nothing to do with the skill sets of employees. it relates to dividing the work in to smaller parts.. and smallest parts. 
19. DOL is dividing work among the workers in minute fragments so that each labour is traned and secilised in that particular domain and chances of error gets minimised

19. Segmentation of market is similar to departmentalization in POM.

20 Purpose of DOL is - knowing the work in its constituents, in full / completely. Making the work a OPEN BOX ( not block box) so  that work  can be planned and carried out efficiently and effectively.
21. A goal to be challenging...... it must be attainable .. 
22. Top priority for a  manager for organizational  efficiency and effectiveness are 1. Work improvement  - 2. the worker
23. bureacracy prescribes strict adherance to line of command 
24. Good example for bureaucracy in an organization is  - ' Do not follow the rules '.
25. Line of command and bureaucracy are different .
26. Bureacracy discourage participative management 
27. Flat organisaitons do not have bureacarcy 
28. Bureacracy is unavoidable thing in formal organisations
29. Goal Non achieviement is NOT a crime than setting a lower goal