Three Monks in Budhist Monastry -
Learning Management lessons from this film
Here is a Chinese Saying:
" One monk will
shoulder two buckets of water.
Two monks will share the load,
but add a
third and no one will want to fetch water" .
This saying is made into 12 min. video film available on You Tube.
This film can be used to teach Management related concepts to MBA students very well. This film was used by Dr Mandi, a faculty member at NITIE Mumbai for teaching his MBA students @ NITIE during June - Sep 2012 as part of a course called Principles of Organisaiton and Management .
Purpose of the present blog is to..
give an idea of how the film can be used as a method of learning. .

It is also our experience that there is danger in the film that audience ( who cannot think innovatively ) come to IRRELEVANT and USELESS conclusions afrer seeing this film.There is need to train the MBA audience to understand the film in its proper perspective.
Some IRRELEVANT conclusions that people may MISUNDERSTAND are listed below.
1. People by their very nature shirk responsibilities. People do not cooperate with other members.
2. When DANGERS / UNFORTUNATE situations are in the offing, people try to cooperate.
3. More and more people come together, result is chaos, and damage. so more people should not come together..
4. Design organisation and its systems for the people that are on hand.
In reality, these conclusions are FALSE. The film does NOT share these conclusions.
Above conclusions reflect Theory X mind set of the audiences.
Thinking innovatively, the film try to campaign absolutely different things.
Learning Objectives for the film are :
- Concept of managerial excellence
- Appropriate, Safe, and Efficient work methods & trying to plan higher productivity
- Importance of Innovation
- True and Innate nature of human behavior - Positive and Productive behavior of monks in the story
- There are many ways effective work methods can be designed so as to harness the human potential
Some of the guiding questions for the students
- Productivity measurement and productivity enhancement
- Work process designing and redesign
- Need for Innovation
- Member roles, responsibilities
- People with different personalities and their relevance for HRM in the context of organization
- Orgnisational behavior - Behavior of employees with reference to given work methods
- Innovating range of innovative work methods
Team Work Film - POM student Assignment:
1. Students are asked to see the film. They are made to think what they understand while seeing the film and after seeing the film.
2. Students are encouraged to discuss the film and its contents.
3. There are number of blogs written by your senior students on this film.. You can visit their blogs if you want to do..
Some suggested blogs your seniors ( IM 19 ) wrote : .
There are 100 plus blogs listed here..
Some suggestions for Effective Reflections:
- While analyzing the film POM students need to limit themselves to the contents that is given in the film ONLY.
- It is advised to avoid to bring in certain information that is not shown ( outside, unnecessary , irrelevant things ) in the film.
Additionial information: MBA students need to know about Work, power, and its measurement.
This film give below enhance the student understanding of the tools to use..
important LEARNING POINTS that students need to engage themselves. They are . . .
1. In the film THREE monks are
shown to be of three different sizes / temperament ( personalities ) - Short, Long, and Fatty. What
is the significance of this in the context of modern business organization?
Why three
characters cannot be made in to O N E size all ?
How this point is related to a situation where
in all kinds of people coexist in most of the modern large
business organisations that we come across ? Think and write your answer.
In the film, it was shown that three monks have come across THREE
different creatures ( Tortoise, Honey bee, and a fish ) on their way to the monastery. They dealt with these THREE creatures in their different / own
Could you notice what each monk has done for each of the creatures that he came across ? What is the significance of each of the
acts by the monks? has it got any relevance for the theme of the film ... Team Work ?
3. What are the possible methods of getting water ? List them
When ONLY ONE person is there:
- Method I - One person getting ONE bucket of water by carrying on head.( This method is NOT shown in the film. However, one imagine this method also....
- Method II - One person getting TWO buckets of water with the help of a pole and trying to hand TWO buckets two sides of the pole.
When TWO person are there:
- Method I repeat - Each of the persons getting ONE bucket of water by carrying on head.
- Method II repeat - Each of the TWO persons getting TWO buckets of water with the help of a pole and trying to hand TWO buckets two sides of the pole.
- Method III - A pole is arranged and ONE bucket is hanged in the middle of the pole. Two of the monks working as a team carry's ONLY ONE bucket of water
When THREE persons are there:
- Method I repeat
- Method II repeat
- Method III repeat
- Method IV - Pully is arranged - Three people standing at THREE different points on the hill - Try to pull out one bucket of water every time.
4. What is the relative efficiency levels of the following methods ?
Table - 'Efficiency' levels of various methods -
A Comparison
1 Monk
1 Monk
– No.
– Description
monk carrying ONE bucket of water on head
monk carrying TWO buckets of water on
pole hanging two sides
monks carrying ONE bucket of water by hanging the bucket in the middle of the
– Rope, 3 Monks standing at THREE different roles pulling out ONE bucket
– Effort
Zulu) ..
– Water
( Output / Input)
- Work out the above gaps and arrive at Productivity measurement across methods..
5. In the film
it was shown that the quality of the prayer by monks has got changed when they
shifted from one method of working to the other method of working.. ( i.e., getting water) .
Understand the working of the monks across ( I - IV ) methods:
- Method I - One person getting ONE buckets of water
- Method I to Method II - Two persons getting one bucket of water
- Method II to Method III - three persons working in tandem getting innumerable number of buckets.
- Method III to Method IV - three persons working in tandem getting innumerable number of buckets.
6. Arrive at systematic analysis on the factors - Effort , Output ( water buckets ), Productivity, Happiness,
- Method I - One person getting ONE bucket of water
- - One person getting TWO buckets of water..
- Method I to Method II - Two persons getting one bucket of water
- Method II to Method III - Three persons working in tandem getting innumerable number of buckets.
- Method III to Method IV - three persons working in tandem getting innumerable number of buckets.
7. Have you noticed ( as shown in the film ) change in the quality of the prayer by the monks in the work method transformation from Method I - II - III.. Make note of the same.
What is the significance of this aspect for the overall theme of the film ?
In the film, when second monk joined the first one, there arose a
conflict / fight between them while getting the water from Lake to Monastry.
Reason -
The basket of water was moving back and forth causing heavy weightage to one and also inconvenience
to both the monks.
Solution: Later on they solved the problem by simply
identifying the mid point ( fulcrum) by tiding the water basket
rope. What is the role of Management function in the given below points.
- Why they had a problem in identifying the fulcrum?
- What is the process they followed in marking the fulcrum?
- What is the significance of this act ?
- What is the learning for MBA students who are supposed to create work methods for the employees and solve the work problems in organisations ?
In the film, more than one time a mouse appears. Recall the appearance /
contribution of the mouse.
What is the significance and implications
of showing the mouse in the film? What is the message MBAs need to take
from the appearance of the mouse in the film for the management of
large organizations.
10. There is clear pattern in the behaviour of monks when the NEW monks join them...
When ever new monk arrived, senior monks were polite and also good with them. But as time passed by they start shirking the work..
Why it happens like
that ? What is the significance of such act ?
What does this mean organizations ?
What is the role of MANAGERS to overcome this kind of sitation ?
What is the message the
film try to convey to MBAs with this part of the film ?
11. In the film, the small monk puts the water in to the flower waze
in front of the Budha statue and he was blessed for such noble act ( Note that .....Budha statue smiles at this stage ! ) .
What does this mean in organisational context ?
12. However,
the same monk when had HICCUPS ( including other monks ) resort to take back the water from the Budha's flower waze and drinks it . This act by the monk made Budha ( as shown in the film ) also surprising.
In the same vein all other monks
also resort to take out the water when they had HICCUPS ( due to eating
fruits during the prayer !) . What is the significance of this part in
the management of modern organizations ?
13. In the film it was shown that in a hurry to put off the fire in the monastery the monks could not pay sufficient attention
to small things. It was shown that the bigger and taller monks walk over the small tortoise causing pain to it.
What is the significance of this part ?
14 . When the fire broke off in the monastery, three monks worked very
hard to put off the fire.
What method they followed.. How effective it was ? Evaluate work methods used in URGENCY situation and their efficiency for the organisaitons.
15. It was shown in the film that in a hurry to
through the water one of the monks, picks up the small sized monk and
try to throw him in to the fire.
However, fortunately that could not
happen. The mistaken Monk could realise and remorse. The monks realize this
blunder and feel sorry for the younger monk who would otherwise thrown off and met with fatal consequences.
What is the significance of this act in the film ?
16. A comparison of work method used in the film are made in the given below table. Try to understand and get ready to answer some questions..
Team Work Film - Work methods comparison:
Items for comparision
Method I
Method II
Method III
1. Members
One Monk
Two Monks
Three Monks
2. Work tools and work method
Two baskets
Long stick hanging two buckets two ends of the long stick..
One basket
Long stick hanging one bucket
in the middle
Three baskets
Rope, Kuppe, and pulling water bucket on pulli
3. Input - Effort by monks ( Units in Jouls) ( Estimated figures)
100 Jouls ( J)
by One person
< 50 Jouls ( J ) by two persons together
Total effort together by the three monks in this method is almost
4. Output - Water
2 baskets
One basket
The output ( number of baskets of water ) that the method can fetch is almost ' SO MUCH WATER'
5. Productivity Measure: ( Input / Output)
100 J / 2 Buckets =
50 J per basket of water
< 50 J / 1 Bucket =
< 50 J per basket of water
Insignificant effort per basket of water
6.Nature of Member Roles
Somewhat Interdependent
Very much Interdependent
7. Monks Life
philosophy@ monastery
Life is misery and
Death is the solution
@ This is evident as shown in the film the monk is physically exhausted and gets in to sleep while doing daily prayer.
Life some how can be managed to make it worth living ..
@ This is evident as shown in the film the monks engage in more productive prayers. Monks are shown not sleeping as much as they used to do earlier.
Life is Fun and even monks can have blissful life..
@ This is evident as shown in the film that the monks are happy and blissful to work together.
It is suggested that students try to understand the significance of systematic analysis of the work methods so as to understand the MANAGEMENT learning out of the film.
17. What are our learnings for specific instances that are shown in the film -
1. Small, Long, and fat monks -
2. Three monks behaving differently with THREE animals - Tortoise, Honey Bee, and Fish on their way to monastry
3. Initial respect they show and later on they not helping new comers
4. Monks engaging in indiscipline while doing their prayers - Eating fruits while doing the prayer, Taking water fror Budha statue flower waze
5. When disaster struck them - their working pattern
6. While throwing the water on to the fire - throwing a small monk in to the fire
7. Disagreement and agreement among the monks in finding the mid point for the pole to fix the knot
8. Three roles in the final method of working- one filling the water bucket second pulling up bucket through the pully and the third unloading the water bucket
Learnings : ? ?