POM 2013 Course Outline PGDIM 20
HR -06: Principles of Organization and Management ( POM )
Module – I : June - Aug 2013
Faculty: Dr Mandi, nitieprasad@gmail.com , 09869464525
Slogans for this Course are :
Soacho.. Becho ! Becho.. Seekho ! ! Seekho .. Soacho ! ! !
Behatar Padhai ke Liye... Kamai !
Earning by Learning . & .Earning for Learning !
Aaj Ki roti...Aaj hee, kamyaenghae !
Welcome to the world of Organizations and Management. This course is fundamental course on the subject of management. Students are made to learn the basic terms, concepts, tools and theories of organization and management subjects which they are going to use in their future.
Course teaching is deliberately avoided to take the management learning in this course to ADVANCE levels.
For better understanding of management courses / subjects in MBA program, an attempt will be done so that students have sound and basic understanding of the management concepts.
For example, a trained mechanical engineer must know exact meaning of a machine or a tool. S / he is not supposed to give general understanding but thorough and exact meaning.
You as a student and beginner in management discipline is supposed to know, understand and internalize various concepts of management discipline.. Keeping this in mind, following objectives are designed for this course.
1. Course objectives: End of the course students are expected to
- Understand and , apply the Select Basic Concepts related to the subject of Organizations and Management
- Students are made to KNOW, APPLY and FEEL the Concepts of Orgn and Management course
BE Practical and Productive !
Pedagogy used in teaching and learning this course consist of FOUR things : Knowing - Doing - Feeling - Earning .
Course is taught for KNOWING , UNDERSTANDING and EXPERIENCING through APPLICATION of the CONCEPTS and finally the learners must GENERATE ECONOMIC VALUE out of the learning THEN AND THERE. The economic value so generated must atleast equal to ONE PERCENT of the cost of POM course learning.
Pedagogy adopted in teaching this course is
# ‘Student Driven’ rather than‘ Teacher driven’.
# Students are supposed to take full responsibility for their learning.
# Students are expected to demonstrate enthu and initiative in learning the subject.
# Faculty opt to act as facilitator. Responsibility for learning lies with the students.
· 3. Students are expected to prepare in advance and attend
the class sessions.
Advance Preparation means - Read the relevant chapters in the referred text book, read relevant blogs, see the relevant videos suggested.
4. Experiencing the concepts ( not just knowing the subject ) is one more thing stressed heavily in teaching and learning this course. Course learning is made to experience ( by the mode of practice ) as part of this course.
· Mode
of delivery predominantly involves faculty presentations, self
learning, class discussions, action learning activities, field work and
practical working, watching and discussing the management films etc.
· Special
attention will be given to certain KEY TERMS / CONCEPTS that are
listed at the end of each of the chapter. Students need to pay attention
in trying to understand, practice by application, internalize the
meaning of these concepts and emerge competent to apply the KEY TERMS /
concepts listed in the Text book.
- In teaching and learning this course, u r asked to write blogs extensively.
Faculty will arrange to circulate course related materials through blogs / You tube videos etc.
Students are assigned to submit their assignments as On Line Blogs.
Student Blogs are accepted as proofs for learning.
Students are expected to write their LEARNING CHRONICLES as blogs. These blogs will be used for evaluating the students.
In addition to the regular curriculum learning, faculty also expect the students to write other blogs related to the college life at NITIE Mumbai.
Blogging ( quality and insights..) by the students will be taken as one of the factors in assessing the students for their grades.
Why you are asked to write blogs ? Here is a blog on why students need to write blogs ?
- http://www.employeeevolution.com/archives/2009/01/08/5-reasons-every-college-student-should-start-blogging-in-2009/
- http://www.hindustantimes.com/India-news/NewDelhi/College-students-cashing-in-on-tweets-blogs/Article1-868740.aspx
6. Session details ( Tentative )
SessionClass workLearning ThemesRemarks12IntroductionLearning by Earning approach in the course3 – 4Activity I : Tower BuildingManagement – Work – Manager – Workers -Contd. . .Work – Job – ElementsDesigning the work , Work methods , Planning – All across organisaion – Vision, Mission, Objectives, GoalsGoal achievement process5 -6Chap 1.. Managing and ManagersManager and nature of jobSuperior, Peers, subordinate relationships3 Es, Theory X, Y, MotivationChap 10 : Planning – Micro and Macro levelGoal Setting ,Vision, Mission, Goals, Programs, Procedures, Policies, Guidelines, Dos & Donts,7 - 8Activity II : 3 Idiots crossing the RiverDesigning Team workTeam rolesWhy team work ?Cohesiveness,3 Es : Excellence, Efficiency and EffectivenessFilm: 3 Monks and WaterChap 14: Teams and Teamwork9 - 10Chap 12: Orgl. Design & StructureOrg. StructuresOpen and closed systems of orgn.Formal and informal organisationsHierarchy – Networking In OrganisatioinAuthority, Power distribution, CulturePower Authority11Chap: 9. . Decision Making , Problem solving,Assignment : Ring Toy12 – 13Chap 2 : Management TheoriesClassical, Neo Classical, Contingency theories: CVF FrameworkIntegration of Magt. theoriesOverall Orgl Effectivess14 – 15Craftsmanship Vs. Division of laborEfficiency – Nature of work -16Planning at Job level-Job DesignEfficiency Vs. Human Satisfaction17Chap 7: Culture Socialization – Culture and normsTypes of Culture –Understanding culture - Norms – Basic assumptions – ValuesHow to change culture18Knowledge Economy – New Management - Knowledge WorkerPeter Drucker19Chap- 20.. Management Control
- Kaise Nikaloo RING Ko !
- THREE MONKS Crossing the river
- Receiving the BEST CEO award certificate
8. 1 Reference book for this course is
Stoner, Freeman and Gilbert : Management
Broadly the course is taught keeping in view the contents Stoner Text book
8.2. In addition to the above below given supplementary schalorly articles are the must read for the studetns..
1. Competing Values framework BooK
2. P F Drucker - 21 Century Management Challenges ..
( http://tap3x.net/EMBTI/j6drucker.html )
3. Characteristics of Managerial Careers in the 21st Century
9. 0 Some more blogs you may find interesting..
http: //pomcourse2012.blogspot.com
1. Competing Values framework BooK
2. P F Drucker - 21 Century Management Challenges ..
( http://tap3x.net/EMBTI/j6drucker.html )
3. Characteristics of Managerial Careers in the 21st Century
The Academy of Management Executive (1993-2005)
Vol. 10, No. 4, Careers in the 21st Century (Nov., 1996), pp. 17-27
4. Drucker : Knowledge Worker Productivity .. California Managet Review.. Winter 1999..
( http://www.bestpractice.dk/aviva/media/hbr-artikler/knowledge_workers_the_biggest_challenge.pdf )
5. Greiner : Evolutions and Revolutions as organizations grow.. HBR Classic
( http://raj.rajaditi.com/management/Strategy/grainer.pdf ) 9. 0 Some more blogs you may find interesting..
http: //pomcourse2012.blogspot.com
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