Assignment III : Mera Tower - Susbse Voonchaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! !
Students are asked to build a tower in the class room. They need to build a tower. For building the tower students are given 1. Wooden Cubes.
Students need to follow certain rules while building the TOWER.. Rules are
- Wooden cube Tower is made with only one cube BASE...
- At a time only one cube is placed for building the tower
- When tower falls ... the game is UP.
- The person picked up from your group who is building the tower is blind folded. Of course, he will be supported by other people.
- Supporter are NOT supposed to touch the person nor supposed to touch the wooden cubes.

TRY TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS before launching in to the activity:
How many cubes tower your group is going to build ? Guess the number of wooden cubes tower that is going to be build ?
Try to give your reasoning - in one sentence - why you choose such a height with such and such number of cubes tower.. I thought _____ number of cube can be made because of ___________________________..
What all is needed to construct - Mera Tower Subse Voonchaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! !
Think on the lines of Management - The Science and Art..
Students are asked to build a tower in the class room. They need to build a tower. For building the tower students are given 1. Wooden Cubes.
Students need to follow certain rules while building the TOWER.. Rules are
- Wooden cube Tower is made with only one cube BASE...
- At a time only one cube is placed for building the tower
- When tower falls ... the game is UP.
- The person picked up from your group who is building the tower is blind folded. Of course, he will be supported by other people.
- Supporter are NOT supposed to touch the person nor supposed to touch the wooden cubes.
TRY TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS before launching in to the activity:
How many cubes tower your group is going to build ? Guess the number of wooden cubes tower that is going to be build ?
Try to give your reasoning - in one sentence - why you choose such a height with such and such number of cubes tower.. I thought _____ number of cube can be made because of ___________________________..
What all is needed to construct - Mera Tower Subse Voonchaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! !
Think on the lines of Management - The Science and Art..
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