DOL and Division of Laborers
4. Divison of L A B O U R E R S
Division of LABORERS is NOT the same as Division of Labor . Important to NOTE this..
What is the
difference ? Who coined this concept? Why this has come in ?
Do you know the implications of this concept..?
As MBA student one need to know and differentiate these two concepts..
Division of laboRERS refers to CASTE based ( So called V A R N A ) system of allocation of work in a society.. It is based on DOGMA.. It is not scientific.
Finally, for GOD's sake ... It does not lead to EXCELLENCE.
It also
refers to work being allocated in a society among Men and Women based on STEREO
types.. by Caste, Birth, Gender, Locality etc.
It has serious implications when applied in a society..
Important features of Div. of LaboRERS is..
- Allocation of work and occupations are based on birth and caste / group they belong to...
- There is NO scope for those people to ESCAPE from such a work ... even if they want to.. Despite their UNWILLINGNESS they are forced to continue the same work..
There is little scope and understanding given for such labourers to understand their misery and get out of such W O R S T careers....
- Such people are "Not allowed " to have access / approach to switchover to other. alternate work / activities.
- Certain
people are denied an opportunity to be trained , to develop themselves and demonstrate
their competence in certain other / alternate works and occupations. Hence, historically (
even for generations ! ) certain people have no access and entry in to certain
types of work.
- Further, such a practice is made in to a " Social Norm" saying that it will improve ( it is also considered as social requirement ) the social development.
This is utter nonsense... some people argue, in the name of social development and well being.
This practice goes against the individual dignity and freedom to choose and work in what ever the careers one want to pursue depending upon their competences.
Examples of Division of LabouRERS are..
- Scavanging, Sweepers, Maid servants etc..
On the other hand there are some people who take ADVANTAGE of this practice " Div. of LBOURERS" K I N Gs, Politicians, Film Actors, Musicians etc..
They proclaim and behave that they are born for such and such careers .. even if they dont have needed competencies.. It is unfortunate and damaging the society..
As per Organisaions and Management this Practice goes against POM philosophy and achieving excellence .
- It is not based on competencies, aspirations, interests, democratic norms.....
- but it is about NOT ALLOWING others for certain OPPORTUNITIES , FATE and BIRTH , FEUDAL MIND SETS..
DOL Vs. Division of Laborers..
DOL - has origins in Orgn. and Management - Unit of DOL is Tasks and Work Elements - Basis of allotment is.. Weak Skill
Who is the person who wrote and talked about the concept - Div. of LABOURERS ..?
Research on NET..
Managers are the people who understand the work and make is amenable for working . What they really do is .. . .
Good work Vs. Bad Work
Difficult work Vs. Easy Work
Long Work Vs. Short Work
Boring Work Vs. Interesting Work
Skilled Work Vs. Unskilled Work
Mountain of Work Vs. Mole of Work
Dirty, Dangerous, Dull - Heavy, Henious, Hazardous work
Possible Vs. Impossible Work
Job of manager is to transform the work to b of higher efficiency, and effectiveness.
" Division of Work " is a tool which helps in transforming the given work in desired direction.
Quiz Qn.
- What is meant by Division of Labour ?
- What is meant by Division of Work ?
It also
refers to
More in the POM Class..
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